
First and foremost, get the definition before having a deep look at what causes high oil pressure!

High oil pressure takes a toll on your car, not least under no proper care. Grasp all triggers on such stuff, save your day with DriveRevlove, and be safe downtown. Nobody doesn’t long for the best convenience on the whole drive. 

What wholehearted share, beyond words! 

What Is High Oil Pressure? 

Engine or motor oil supply lubrication is needed for automotive operation. They feed many parts and run under proper pressure for good performance. 

So what is normal oil pressure? Each engine requires a specific range of oil pressure, which typically is 25-65 psi while the oil warms up. 

Yet, like the oil pan gasket leaks, potential threats will hide somewhere when this figure goes high up, out of the “comfort zone”.

What Is High Oil Pressure? 
High oil pressure. Source: mycarmakesnoise

What Causes High Oil Pressure

Here highlights the primary factors of what causes high oil pressure. 

  • Contaminated oil filter:  It runs a risk when your filter is stuck with dust, soot, rust, gum, or any particles alike, rendering a clogged section, more resistance, and oil pressure high. 
  • Blocked passages: On every trip, the oil runs through many passages to your crankshaft. But once they become blocked, the oil can’t walk through and finds no way to lubricate all engine parts.  Consequently, the scenario makes oil pressure rise. 
  • Relief valve fault: It eases the high-pressure oil and often sets up being open once the psi is over. Hence, a broken relief valve will entail high-pressure oil with unsafe driving.
  • Oil viscosity and quality: Oil, over time, can become more viscous, creating more resistance and high oil pressure. For details, oil will be thinner while the engine heats up, and thicker when it cools down. To seek the problem, wait roughly 20 mins after starting up your engine for an accurate psi reading. Also, do the replacement if that is the case.

Oil pressure can cause a unit malfunction when the gauge reading is at its peak point. It’s spooky even if the engine does not warm up and the oil gauge still gets hurt. 

Will High Oil Pressure Damage My Car?

Yes. This causes serious wear from the friction. In other words,  constricted or slowed oil flow has a toll on your engine’s internals. 

Never undervalue the pressure gauge when it rises. Whereas, what you see at the end is engine failure.

Never undervalue the pressure gauge when it rises.
Do the right upkeep for car oil. Source: advancedenginetech

How To Check Oil Pressure

Before heading for the remedy, let’s see ways to test the oil pressure: 

  1. Lift the auto’s front end.
  2. Seek your engine oil pressure sender. It is often near the oil sump on your engine block. Check your car’s repair manual if you are unsure where it is.
  3. Use an oil drain pan to catch oil spillage.
  4. Dismantle the oil pressure sender’s electrical connector.
  5. Remove your oil pressure sender with a proper socket (typically 1 1/16”).
  6. Mount your tester.
  7. Check your oil level. Top off if needed.
  8. Leave your engine idle for roughly 5 minutes or till it touches operating temperature.
  9. Find what RPM your car needs to do the oil pressure test.
  10. Determine the right oil pressure range for a given RPM using the manual.
  11. Check the oil pressure reading. 
  12. Turn your engine off to let it cool down.
  13. Uninstall your oil pressure tester and re-install your oil pressure sender.
  14. Re-install your oil pressure sender’s electrical connector.
  15. Lower your auto.
  16. Top off your oil till it reads the right level.

You’re done, congrats!

Before heading for the remedy, let’s see ways to test the oil pressure: 
Wish you had the best measure. Source: media-ae.cars24

How To Fix High Oil Pressure

While it takes 30-60 mins for an oil change, fixing high oil pressure may take longer due to the complexity. 

The remedy is available – a much easier term than expected. Let’s see what to ease the hurdle: 

  1. Warm up your engine entirely. Leave it a few mins to see if this regulates well when getting warmer. 
  2. Check if you adopt the wrong viscosity or oil patterns via the manufacturer’s notes. 
  3. Track the filter and oil to see if upkeep time comes then decide which remedy will make sense, DIY or expert-based help. Homemade sounds cheaper than a local lube trip. 
  4. Tidy your oil passages, blockage, or sludge buildup inside the system. Get started by dropping and cleaning your oil pan. Use a solvent and brush to clean off all debris. Add a heavy-duty cleaning additive to the oil in the right direction.

If all your attempts are in vain, the professional help will do wonders for your fun auto. The well-trained mechanics will get your back! Aiding in testing these auto parts –  sensors and gauges is simple. 

How To Fix High Oil Pressure
Fix the oil pressure issue. Source:


What Does Low Oil Pressure Mean?

Too low-oil pressure makes oil hard to reach the needed zones for normal lubrication, making the engine seize later on. 

If this is the case for your car, you will suffer the loss of power, engine noise, and burning smell. The worst scenarios come in engine damage entirely.

Does It Matter If I Keep Driving With Low-Pressure Oil?

Yes. Never take this lightly as pressure oil loss will freak you out and threaten your safety. Stop driving and turning off the engine at once when seeing the abnormal psi reading.

Keys Takeaway

Not often as the oil pressure gauge gives you constant readings but it’s not a fun story when the highest point is touched. Now you’ve got what causes high oil pressure at large.

Test time comes, as described above when the pressure gauge fluctuates or flatlines, it can not be ignored!

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